The ISWK Counselling and Special Education department advocates the motto "A child's mental health is equally important as their grades".
Schools can offer an ideal context for prevention, intervention, positive development, and collaboration between school and families, which is very crucial for a comprehensive approach to safe and successful schools. With the help of trained counselors in campus, our students have the opportunity to discuss mental health in a safe and understanding space.
The department focuses on the overall wellbeing of students experiencing academic difficulties or any kind of personal, behavioural and socio-emotional challenges. Counselling and Guidance is given to students, parents and teachers according to different needs of students’ developmental stages. Our counsellors aim at improving the cognitive skills and boosting self confidence in students for their higher achievements.
Students with special educational needs are been accommodated with various support measures like shadow parenting, remedial education and various CBSE exam provisions to promote inclusive education.
Career guidance is been provided as a key function of secondary school to prepare students’ transition towards future career prospects successfully.
Want to refer your child to a counsellor for help?
Fill in the following forms: